
What is Emotional Abuse?

Most people know what physical abuse it and they know the signs of someone who may be a victim of physical abuse. We hear more about physical abuse because it is more known, and visible. There is another form of abuse that most people have heard of but it's not talked about as much. This form of abuse is emotional abuse. The signs of emotional abuse can be more difficult to notice. Gregory L. Jantz Ph.D., a contributor writer for Psychology Today, explains what defines emotional abuse.

Easy Practices to Feel Better About Your Life

It is extremely easy for us to let our emotions get to us, and ruin our day. Not only do we need to take care of our physical health but also need to take care of our emotional health. Our minds are very powerful thing and we can easily get too caught up in negative thoughts. Aldo Civico Ph.D., a contributor writer for Psychology Today, has some tips on how to feel better about your life.