relationship tips

Communication Mistakes That Can Diminish Trust

In any relationship, whether it be a marriage, a friendship, or the relationship you have with your co-workers, there needs to be a level of trust. One important factor that helps develop trust in a relationship is communication. Nan S. Russell, a contributor writer for Psychology Today, says there are communication mistakes that people make that can decrease that level of trust in a relationship. 

Science-Based Tips To Maintain a Happy, Lasting Relationship

Most everyone knows that relationships aren't easy and they take a lot of work and time. Some relationships may seem easier than others, but they all take work from both people. When you look back on a great relationship, and look and what ruined, most would say they were silly mistakes, that could've been avoided. Gleb Tsipursky, a contributor writer for Huffington Post, has some science-based tips to maintain a happy and healthy relationship.