staying sober

What Gratitude Can Do For You...Especially if You're in Recovery

If you're in recovery from addiction, then perhaps you already know why you want to stay sober. See how gratitude can help you with sobriety in your life.

7 Tips to Stay Sober During the Holiday

For those who are trying to stay sober, the holidays can be a stressful time. During this holiday season, many people celebrate with alcohol.If you are trying to stay sober here are some tips to help you through the new year. 

Get Sober for Someone You Love

If you can’t get sober for yourself, you can always get sober for a loved one. Sometimes it’s hard for people to do something for themselves. But thinking about others can make getting sober worth its challenges. For instance, if you’re in early recovery and you’re already facing difficulties, without a commitment or purpose, it can be easy to turn back to your old life. Without having meaningful reason behind sobriety, you might so easily say it’s not worth it and return to drinking or drugging.

Reasons Why You Should Break Anonymity in Sobriety

Alcoholic's Anonymous was created many years ago. When it was created the main point of it was for you to stay anonymous during your recovery. Beth Leipholtz, a contributor writer for the Huffington Post, believes people should start breaking their anonymity when becoming sober. Leipholtz has been in AA and has 6 reason why she broke her anonymity, and why others should do it as well. 

Taking Action Will Get You Closer To Sobriety

We all want to get somewhere, whether that place is happiness, sobriety, financial well being, or stability. We are all trying to make our way somewhere. And because we want certain things in our lives, it's common to day dream about what we want. It's common to fantasize and envision about our future lives.