teen counselor agoura

10 Stats That Prove Mental Illness Affects Everyone

When most people think of mental illness there is a stigma that comes with the term. Most people have negative "thoughts" about it. There are so many stereotypes out there about people who suffer from a mental illness. Lindsay Holmes, a contributor writer for the Huffington Post, has put together a few stats that prove that mental illness is not just a personal issue but it is an issue for everyone. 

Questions You Shouldn't Be Afraid to Ask Your Therapist

Finding the right therapist for yourself is extremely important for any type of recovery. Searching for a therapist should take some time. It should be known that it is okay to switch therapists until you find the right one for you. The first therapist you meet may not always be the right one for you. Here are some questions you should not e afraid to ask your therapist. 

8 Self-Care Tips for Parents of Children with Mental Illness

Being a parent is no easy task, but being a parent of a child who has a mental illness can be even more difficult. Taking care a child with a mental illness can be a lot of work and extremely stressful. When taking care of a child with a mental illness it is important that the parents also remembers to take care of themselves as well. Here are so self-care tip for parents of children with mental illness. 

9 Mental Habits That Will Turn You Bitter Over Time

Our psychological habits come from out personalities and emotional make-ups. Our psychological habits included things such as: how we interpret events, thoughts that run through our head, and how we think the world works. There are some psychological habits that can cause us to become bitter over time. 

Steps to Take When Someone Hurts You

If you are around people for a long period of time, you will more than likely experience getting your feelings hurt by someone. You could be hurt by a friend, a significant other, or a family member. When you are hurt by someone it can be difficult to know how to react to the situation. Gregory L. Jantz Ph.D., a contributor writer for Psychology Today, has some tips on what to do when someone hurts you. 

Teens and Marijuana Addiction

When parents have a teenager in the house they begin to worry about the use of alcohol and drugs. A drug that more and more teens are using is marijuana. When kids get to this age, most parents want to know what are the signs that their kids may be using marijuana. It can be hard to figure out if your teen is using but the following may be some sign of it:

Do Sleep Issues in Teens Predict Drug and Alcohol Problems?

For the most part teens are known for going to bed later and sleeping in to the late hours of the afternoon. New research is starting to show a connection between sleeping problems and drug and alcohol problems within teens. These substance issues can include: binge drinking, getting high, driving under the influence, or being involved in sexual situations the later regretted. There are some things that parents can do to help prevent these issues. 

The Necessity of Counseling for Teens

Adolescence is a difficult life stage. It's not quite childhood anymore, but it's not adulthood either. Teens are pulling away from their parents, rebelling, experimenting, and exploring. If provided with the right tools, this stage of life can be an exciting one. However, some times, circumstances at home or school can create challenges for teens - challenges that are above and beyond what they already face as adolescents.