mental health

Woman Are More Likely To Suffer From Anxiety Than Men

Did You know that anxiety is more prevalent in North America and Western Europe? In Did You know that anxiety is more prevalent in North America and Western Europe? In addition, Steven Reinberg's article on, also states that women are nearly twice as likely as men to suffer from anxiety disorder. Research shows the largest amount of people who suffer from anxiety are under 35. It is uncertain as to why it is more common for woman to have anxiety than men, but the article suggests that it could possibly be because of the difference in the brain chemistry between the two genders. 

Treatment For Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse

In our society, because men are taught to show no emotion, it makes it extremely difficult for them to overcome their sexual abuse. Most men who have been sexually abused keep all their emotions bottled up inside. This can cause many issues including anxiety, heavy drug use, or even having sexual intercourse at an earlier age. That is why it is so important to get proper treatment! 

Grieving a Loss

Nobody knows what it feels like to lose a loved one, unless they have been through it themselves. You might feel like your spiraling downwards, and nothing can bring you out of it. Everyone grieves in different ways, but it is important to know you are not alone! You might feel isolated, and extremely depressed to a point where you don't want to live anymore. Just know that these feelings are normal. 

10 Tips That Will Help You Achieve Happiness

Happiness can sometimes feel impossible to achieve. In some cases it can seem so impossible that you somehow don't even know what happiness is anymore. The only person that can make you happy is you! It is important to make sure your not counting on someone else for your happiness. Here are some great tips to help you find your happiness:

4 Tips for Coping with Loss

Losing a loved one, a career position, or financial security can be devastating for most people. Experiencing a loss will often create emotional distress.

5 Ways to Maximize Your Mental Health Treatment

Depression, addiction, and PTSD all hinder your mental health. In order to really progress and heal from mental health, it is important to be proactive. Besides taking medication and going to talk therapy, it is also important to make sure to put yourself first. This does not mean you have to be selfish, it just means you should be aware of your needs, and make sure those needs are being met. It is also important to speak up if anything about your treatment is unclear to you.