How To Support Reaching Your Goals for 2016

It's a tradition in America and around the world to set a goal for the upcoming year. It's a custom to have a new vision for yourself for the new year. Doing so is a way to begin again. Men and women set weight goals, sobriety goals, and career goals. They look at the year that passed and make a plan for the year ahead. It's a healthy way to make progress and create your life the way you envision it.

However, there are a significant amount of men and women who don't ever achieve the goals they're after. They have all the intention in the world. They have all the desire and motivation in the beginning. But sooner or later, their steam runs out. By the second or third week of January, it doesn't feel like a new year; it feels like any other day. Life returns to feeling like it felt over the many days of the year before. Pretty soon their goals are out of sight, just like the snow that melts when Spring comes.

If you want to avoid this dilemma. If you actually want to achieve the goals you've set for yourself, here are some ways to support yourself in that endeavor. Here are some tips to make sure you bring into fruition the vision you have for yourself for 2016:

Write down your goals. Research indicates that those who write down their goals are 9 times more likely to reach them! That's an outstanding difference. It's interesting that such as small act of getting your goals down on paper can make such a difference. One sure benefit of writing down goals is that it provides the opportunity to get clear and specific. For instance, someone who says, "I'd like to lose some weight," might not be as successful in reaching their goal as someone who says, "I'd like to lose 15 pounds by February 1st.". Writing down goals forces us to be specific. It also stirs up determination and motivation.

Work with a coach, therapist, or mentor. If your goal feels a little out of reach, then you might work with someone to help you figure out the steps between here and there. There are professionals who specialize in the problem you're facing. If you want to get sober, you might work with a drug counselor. If you want to finally heal your lingering depression, you might work with a therapist. If you want to succeed in a business, you might work with a business consultant. If you want to lose some weight, you might work with a personal trainer. Get the professional support you need to overcome any obstacles you might have in reaching your goals.

Form a network of support. Another way to get support is to gather friends, family, and loved ones around you. Let them know what you're doing. Feel their encouragement and love. Although friends and family might not be able to provide the professional support, they can provide the moral support you need from those you love.

Spend time with others who have already achieved your goal. Lastly, get support from those who have already achieved your goal. You might want to pick their brain. Even if you didn't have the opportunity to do this, just spending time with them is enough. When we spend time with others who have already become successful, lost the weight, got sober, or climbed the corporate ladder, we have the opportunity to know what it feels like. We can sense their experience by being in their presence.

These are suggestions for reaching your goals this year! Don't let your dreams melt away with the winter snow. Use these tips to make them real for yourself all year long. 

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