In most cases depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. In other cases, depression can be brought on by factors in our live that we cannot control, such as: a death in the family or financial troubles. However, some of our depression can be fixed by just changing a few of our daily habits. Carey Rossi, a contributor writer for the Huffington Post has a list of the worst daily habits for your mental health. To raise your happiness levels, make some changes in these behaviors.
Don't slouch when you walk
Don't take pictures of EVERYTHING
Don't let a bully get the best of you
Add more exercise into your daily routine
Don't procrastinate
Try to stay away from any toxic relationships
Don't take life too seriously
Get more sleep each night
Try to get more alone time
Stay in touch with friends
Put some space between you and your mobile phone
Multitask less
To learn more about how changing daily habits can decrease your depression, click here.