In a relationship both people have needs that need to be met by the other person. Sometimes these needs are met, and sometimes they aren't. Needs may not be met, simply because the other person doesn't know that there is a need that isn't being met. A problem in most relationships, is that people don't know how to ask for what they need in a relationship. Barton Goldsmith Ph.D., a contributor writer for Psychology Today, says there are 10 ways to get you desires met.
- If you want you partner to change, get good at making observations
- Discuss the real behaviors that are affecting your relationship
- Look at how you are feeling
- Ask for what you need
- Make a single request
- Actively address the issue or let it go
- Become more realistic in your expectations
- Tell your partner what you want, not what you don't want
- Truly value the contribution your partner has made to your life
- Equity versus quality
Click here to read more about how to get your needs met.