How Arguing Over Text (aka 'Fexting') Hurts Your Relationship

Attention all couples! Are you experiencing tension and conflicts in your relationship? Arguing over text may seem like a convenient way to communicate, but it can cause significant harm to your relationship. Misinterpretation of tone, lack of clarity, and inability to resolve conflict are just a few of the downsides of arguing over text. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid arguments over text and improve your communication with your partner. Seeking the assistance of a couples therapist can provide a safe and supportive environment for couples to express their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. With couples therapy, you can learn effective communication skills, resolve conflicts, and strengthen your bond. Learn how to stop arguing over text. Let’s dive in!

1. The Downside of Arguing Over Text

Arguing over text with your partner may seem like a convenient way to express your thoughts and feelings, but it can have several downsides that could potentially harm your relationship. Below are some of the major drawbacks of arguing over text:

Misinterpretation of Tone: Texting lacks the ability to convey tone accurately, making it challenging to interpret the intended emotion behind the message. It’s easy for a text message to be misread as hostile or sarcastic when it was intended to be playful or affectionate. This misinterpretation can lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary arguments.

Lack of Clarity: It can be challenging to convey complex thoughts or emotions through text messages. There may be insufficient information conveyed, which can lead to misunderstandings. This lack of clarity may lead to further misinterpretation, leaving both parties feeling frustrated and confused.

No Physical Cues: Without physical cues, such as facial expressions and body language, it can be difficult to understand the underlying emotions of a message. This can lead to assumptions and misunderstandings that may harm the relationship.

Inability to Resolve Conflict: Texting is a one-dimensional medium that does not provide the opportunity for both parties to discuss the problem and resolve the conflict. This can lead to prolonged tension and frustration, which can harm the relationship further.

To avoid these issues, it is important to communicate effectively with your partner, which is where couples therapy can be beneficial. Couples therapy can provide a safe and supportive environment for couples to express their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. It can also help couples improve their communication skills and learn how to resolve conflicts in a healthy and productive way.

2. Tips for Avoiding Arguments Over Text

Maintaining healthy communication with your partner is vital to a successful relationship, and with the increasing prevalence of text messaging, it is important to be mindful of how we communicate through this medium. Misinterpretation of tone and meaning in text messages can often lead to arguments and misunderstandings. Here are some tips for avoiding arguments over text with your partner:

Avoid Discussing Sensitive Issues Over Text: It is important to recognize that text messaging is a limited form of communication and is not the best medium for discussing sensitive or complex issues. Instead, reserve these discussions for in-person conversations or phone calls where you can better convey your thoughts and feelings.

Use Emojis and Punctuation to Clarify the Tone: Tone can often be lost in text messages, so it is helpful to use emojis and punctuation to help convey the intended tone. For example, using an exclamation mark or smiley face can help show that you are being playful or friendly while using a period or a serious tone can show that you are being serious.

Take a Break from Texting to Cool Off: If you find yourself getting frustrated or upset during a text conversation, it is essential to take a break to cool off before responding. This can help prevent the conversation from escalating into an argument.

Have Important Conversations in Person: While text messaging can be a convenient way to communicate, it is important to recognize its limitations. If you need to have an important conversation with your partner, it is best to do so in person where you can better convey your thoughts and emotions.

3. Seeking Help

As a couple, it is common to experience tension and conflicts from time to time. However, when these issues become persistent and start to affect your overall well-being, it may be time to consider seeking help. Couples therapy is a form of psychotherapy that can help you and your partner navigate these challenges and strengthen your relationship.

One of the main benefits of couples therapy is that it provides a safe and neutral space for you and your partner to communicate and work through your issues. A trained therapist can help you identify negative patterns in your relationship and provide guidance on how to change them. They can also help you learn effective communication skills, which can be invaluable in resolving conflicts and strengthening your bond.

There are several signs that indicate that you may need couples therapy. These include constant arguing, lack of intimacy, feelings of betrayal, and inability to resolve conflicts on your own. If you find yourselves stuck in these negative patterns and are unable to break free, seeking professional help may be the best course of action.

Chris Massman is a leading provider of couples therapy services. As a highly trained therapist, she can help you work through your issues with your partner and build a stronger, healthier relationship. Chris offers a range of services, including couples therapy, premarital counseling, and individual therapy.


If you are experiencing tension or conflicts in your relationship, you may have some questions about the best way to communicate and work through these issues. This FAQ section addresses common questions about texting in relationships, convincing your partner to try couples therapy and more. Chris Massman can help you navigate these challenges and build a stronger, healthier relationship.

Is it okay to argue over text sometimes?

It is not recommended to argue over text as it can often lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication. However, if it does happen, Chriss Massman can help you work through issues that arise.

Can texting ever be a positive way to communicate in a relationship?

Texting can be a convenient way to communicate, but it is important to remember that it is not always the best for discussing important topics. In couples therapy, I can help you learn effective communication skills both in-person and through technology.

How can I convince my partner to try couples therapy?

Approach the conversation with empathy and understanding, and express how important your relationship is to you. Suggest trying couples therapy as a way to strengthen your bond and work through any challenges together with the help of a trained professional.

Remember, communication is the key to any healthy relationship, and working with a professional can help you discover effective ways to communicate and resolve conflicts. Whether they are struggling with text-based arguments or any other relationship issue, consider reaching out to Chris Massman for more information about the benefits of couple's therapy. 


Arguing over text may seem convenient, but it can cause significant harm to your relationship. By being mindful of the downsides and implementing some of our tips for avoiding arguments over text, you can maintain a healthy and happy relationship. Remember, seeking help from a professional can also be beneficial if you're struggling with this or any other relationship issue.