Relationships aren't always easy to maintain. People change, circumstances in life don't always stay the same. When there are major changes in someone's life, the relationships they have can also change.
Tips for Dating Someone With Depression
Signs Your Significant Other is Entirely Wrong For You
In the early stages of a relationship, it usually seems like there is nothing wrong, or that nothing could go wrong. When new relationship starts it is also easy to overlook the warning signs. Brittany Wong, a contributor writer for the Huffington Post, says the following are signs that your significant other is wrong for you.
7 Problems Every Couple Faces According to Therapist's
When a relationship first starts, there are usually very few problems. However as time goes on and you learn more about a person, what you like and don't like, this is when problems can arise. Over time you become more comfortable with one another, and you are more comfortable approaching each other about certain issue. According to therapists, these are the top problems every couple faces at some point in the relationship:
Science-Based Tips To Maintain a Happy, Lasting Relationship
Most everyone knows that relationships aren't easy and they take a lot of work and time. Some relationships may seem easier than others, but they all take work from both people. When you look back on a great relationship, and look and what ruined, most would say they were silly mistakes, that could've been avoided. Gleb Tsipursky, a contributor writer for Huffington Post, has some science-based tips to maintain a happy and healthy relationship.
8 Relationship Problems You Just Can't Fix
In every relationship, there are going to be problems. Some problems can be worked out between the 2 people in the relationship. There are some other problems that sometimes just can't be fixed. Some marriage therapist have listed the problems they've seen within a relationship that can not be fixed.
13 Signs You Need to Visit a Marriage Counselor
The idea most people grow up with about marriage, is that it's supposed to be a fairy tale. However, most people tend to forget that marriage actually takes a lot of work and it's not always a perfect. During a marriage there may come a time when you may need to see a marriage counselor. Some problems are easy enough to fix on your own, and others need the help of a counselor. Debra Smouse, a contributor writer for the Huffington Post, has a list of signs that may mean you need to see a marriage counselor:
7 Steps to Breaking Free of a Controlling Partner
Knowing if you have a controlling partner can be difficult to know when you are the one in the relationship. The people who usually notice first are friends and family. Hearing that your partner is controlling may not be the easiest thing to digest. Being in a relationship with someone who is controlling can be dangerous. If you begin to realize that your partner is controlling here are some steps to take to break free of a controlling partner.
5 Ways to Get More Intimacy In Your Relationships
Intimacy is a very important part of a relationship. Intimacy is needed for long-term fulfillment. If the intimacy is not there, it's most likely the relationship won't work out. If you feel like your relationships are lacking intimacy, Jill P. Weber Ph.D., a contributor writer for Psychology Today, has some helpful tips to get more intimacy.
10 Ways to Know If Your Relationship Is/Was Good For You
Every relationship your are in you learn more about yourself and what you truly want in a relationship. You learn what to look for, what are immediate red flags, and how you think you deserve to be treated. Some relationships don't work out, but you may still be thankful you were in that relationship. Some don't work out and you wish had never gotten involved. It's important to know what a healthy relationship is. Susan J Elliot JD, M.Ed., a contributor writer for Psychology Today says there are 10 ways to know if your relationship is/ was good for you: