The Benefit of Friendships Outside of Marriage

When individuals enter into a marital relationship, they often find themselves inadvertently distancing from their friends. This can be due to a variety of reasons such as time constraints, or the notion that marriage should be all-encompassing. However, putting friendships on the back burner can lead to isolation, dependency on the spouse for all emotional needs, and a lack of personal growth.

The absence of friendships outside of marriage can result in an over-reliance on one's spouse, which may lead to strain in the marital relationship.

Maintaining friendships outside of marriage is essential. It is crucial to understand that one can be devoted to their marriage and still maintain meaningful friendships. These two aspects of one’s social life are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary.

In this article, you will discover the benefits of maintaining friendships outside of marriage.

Benefit of Friendships Outside of Marriage

Engaging in social interactions and building connections with friends can significantly contribute to an individual’s mental health.

These interactions can result in a sense of belonging, reduce feelings of loneliness, and contribute to higher self-esteem. Moreover, spending time with friends often involves engaging in enjoyable activities, which can elevate mood and reduce stress.

Continue reading to discover the benefits of maintaining friendships outside of marriage.

Friends Can Make You a Better Partner

Having friends outside of your marital relationship can play a significant role in making you a better partner.

Interacting with friends can help you develop social skills, empathy, and understanding which are vital in a marital relationship.

Friends often challenge you, help you grow, and provide different insights into handling situations. When you have a circle of supportive friends, you are likely to be happier and less stressed, which translates into being more pleasant and engaged with your spouse.

Sharing experiences from friendships can add new topics for conversation and reduce the monotony that may sometimes occur in long-term relationships. Being able to understand that your spouse, like your friends, is an individual with their thoughts and feelings, can lead to a more compassionate and nurturing marital bond.

Friendships Provide Access to Different Perspectives

Friends, especially those from diverse backgrounds or experiences, can provide a treasure trove of different perspectives.

These perspectives can challenge your beliefs and assumptions, thus fostering personal growth and critical thinking. In a world that is increasingly interconnected, having a well-rounded view is essential. Through discussions with friends, you can gain insights into different cultures, ideologies, and lifestyles.

This broadened horizon not only makes you more knowledgeable but also helps in developing empathy towards others. When you bring this wealth of perspectives into your marital relationship, it contributes to a more dynamic and enriched interaction with your spouse, which is vital for the relationship's vibrancy and depth.

Friendships Provide an Outlet for Stress Relief

At times, sharing concerns or venting about daily struggles with a friend can provide immense relief. Having friendships provides an essential outlet for stress relief.

Engaging in lighthearted conversations, sharing your worries, or simply spending time doing enjoyable activities with friends can significantly reduce stress levels. Friends can offer advice, share their own experiences, or simply lend a listening ear, making burdens feel lighter.

Laughter and camaraderie with friends have been shown to release endorphins, promoting an overall sense of well-being. When stress is managed effectively through friendships, it is less likely to spill over into the marital relationship, contributing to a more harmonious and happy marriage.

Friendships Help you Pursue Your Interests

Everyone has unique interests and hobbies, and sometimes these may not align with those of your spouse. Friendships provide the avenue to pursue these interests without the need for your partner to be involved in every aspect.

Whether it is a book club, a hiking group, or a craft circle, friends who share your interests can enhance your enjoyment and help you dive deeper into your passions. Engaging in activities that you love contributes to personal fulfillment and happiness.

When individuals are fulfilled and happy in their personal lives, they are likely to bring positive energy into their marital relationships. It also fosters a sense of individuality and independence, which are crucial for a balanced and healthy marriage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should married couples have their own friends?

Yes, married couples should have their own friends as it contributes to personal growth and mental well-being, and can bring positive energies into the marriage.

Is it normal to have friends outside of marriage?

It is entirely normal to have friends outside of marriage; these friendships can provide diverse perspectives, emotional support, and avenues for pursuing interests.

Can married couples have friends?

Certainly, married couples can have friends. These friendships are essential for a balanced social life and can positively impact the marital relationship.

Can two married people just be friends?

Yes, two married individuals can just be friends. Such friendships can be platonic and offer the benefits of social interaction, support, and sharing common interests without affecting their respective marriages.

Exploring Marriage Counseling for Guidance

Are you and your spouse finding it challenging to balance friendships outside of your marriage? Or perhaps, dealing with other marital hurdles that seem too complex to navigate alone?

Marriage counseling can be the beacon of hope in such situations. Chris Massman, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, brings her professoonal guidance to couples navigating a variety of marital challenges.

Imagine a relationship where both partners understand and respect each other's social needs and can maintain a healthy balance between their marital and social life. Through marriage counseling with Chris Massman, this vision can become a reality.

Contact Chris Massman today at 818-264-9684 to start your journey towards a healthier, more balanced marital life. It is time to invest in your relationship and in your personal well-being


Friendships outside of marriage play an indispensable role in an individual’s life and well-being. These friendships can contribute to better mental health, personal growth, stress relief, and can make one a better partner.

It is crucial for married individuals to understand the importance of maintaining friendships and to communicate and plan effectively to foster a healthy balance in relationships.

If you would like to explore marriage counseling in a safe setting, consider contacting Chris Massman in Agoura HIlls, California.