What to Do When Your Marriage is Falling Apart

When a marriage is falling apart, it is important to address the issues at hand in a calm and constructive manner. Both partners must be willing to engage in open communication, displaying empathy and understanding towards each other's feelings and perspectives. It is crucial to remember that a strong foundation of trust, respect, and love is necessary to rebuild and strengthen the relationship. Seeking professional marriage counseling from a licensed marriage & family therapist can be an effective way to navigate through the difficulties and work towards healing the marriage.

In some cases, despite the best efforts, a marriage may not be salvageable. It is essential to recognize when it is time to let go and prioritize personal well-being and mental health. Separation or divorce might be a necessary step in order to move forward and find happiness in one's life. In such situations, seeking support from friends, family, or a support group can provide valuable guidance and emotional assistance during this challenging period.

In this article, we will share some helpful steps to consider if you are wondering what to do when your marriage is falling apart.

What to Do When Your Marriage is Falling Apart

To help avoid a marriage from falling apart, it is crucial to maintain open communication and regularly express appreciation for each other, fostering a strong emotional connection. Additionally, engaging in shared activities, setting clear expectations, and addressing conflicts in a healthy manner can strengthen the marital bond and prevent issues from escalating.

Here are some steps to take when your marriage is falling apart:

Be Open and Honest About Your Feelings and Concerns

Engaging in open and honest communication with your partner about your concerns and feelings plays a vital role in preventing a marriage from falling apart. 

This type of communication allows both partners to express their emotions, expectations, and grievances in a safe and supportive environment. By sharing their thoughts and feelings, couples can better understand each other's perspectives, which can lead to more effective problem-solving and conflict resolution. 

Furthermore, transparent communication promotes a sense of trust and emotional intimacy, reinforcing the foundation of the relationship. By consistently practicing open and honest communication, couples can address potential issues before they escalate, thereby preserving the stability and health of their marriage.

Listen to Your Partner’s Perspective

Listening actively and empathetically to your partner's perspective, without interrupting or becoming defensive, is crucial in preventing a marriage from falling apart. 

Active and empathetic listening involves genuinely trying to understand your partner's emotions, experiences, and viewpoints, which can foster a sense of validation and emotional connection within the relationship. When partners feel heard and understood, they are more likely to trust each other and collaborate to find solutions to problems. 

By avoiding defensiveness and interruptions, couples can create a supportive and non-judgmental environment where open communication can flourish. This approach allows both partners to express their feelings and concerns without fear of criticism or rejection, which in turn can lead to a more harmonious and resilient marriage.

Seek Professional Help from a Marriage Counselor

Seeking professional help from a marriage counselor can be highly beneficial in helping couples overcome challenges in their marriage. 

Marriage counselors are trained professionals who possess the skills and expertise necessary to guide couples through the process of identifying, addressing, and resolving conflicts in their relationship. Through a series of structured sessions, the therapist facilitates open and honest communication, helps partners develop a better understanding of each other's needs and emotions, and teaches effective conflict resolution strategies. In addition, marriage counseling provides a neutral and supportive environment, enabling couples to discuss sensitive topics that may be difficult to approach on their own. 

By working with a marriage counselor, couples can learn and implement healthy communication patterns, improve emotional intimacy, and ultimately strengthen the foundation of their marriage.

Establish Boundaries and Expectations

Establishing clear boundaries and expectations for a relationship, and addressing any issues that need resolution, is essential in preventing a marriage from falling apart. When both partners are aware of each other's needs, preferences, and limitations, they can develop a mutual understanding and respect that contributes to a healthy and harmonious relationship. 

By openly discussing expectations in various aspects of the marriage, such as finances, household responsibilities, and parenting, couples can avoid misunderstandings and prevent resentment from building up over time. Furthermore, addressing issues in a timely and constructive manner ensures that conflicts do not escalate and cause irreparable damage to the relationship. Proactively working together to set boundaries and manage expectations promotes a strong foundation of trust, cooperation, and emotional intimacy, which can ultimately help prevent a marriage from falling apart.

Spend Quality Time Together

Spending quality time together to reconnect and rebuild emotional intimacy is a powerful way for married couples to feel closer together. In the midst of busy lives and daily responsibilities, couples may inadvertently drift apart, losing the emotional connection that initially brought them together. 

By intentionally setting aside time to engage in meaningful activities and conversations, couples can rediscover their shared interests, goals, and values. This dedicated time allows them to focus on each other, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of their partner's experiences and emotions. As a result, couples can strengthen their emotional bond, rekindle affection, and reignite the spark that may have diminished over time. 

Prioritizing quality time together is an investment in the relationship, which helps build a strong foundation of love, trust, and companionship that can withstand the challenges of married life.

Practice Patience and Forgivenesst

Practicing patience and forgiveness is an essential component in preventing a marriage from falling apart. In any relationship, misunderstandings, disappointments, and conflicts are inevitable. Having the patience to work through these challenging moments allows couples to better understand each other and address underlying issues in a constructive manner. 

Patience also helps create an environment where both partners feel supported and valued, even when they make mistakes or struggle with personal challenges. 

Forgiveness, on the other hand, is the act of letting go of grudges, resentment, and the desire for retribution. By choosing to forgive, couples can release negative emotions that might otherwise fester and harm the relationship. Embracing forgiveness encourages empathy, understanding, and compassion, ultimately fostering a stronger emotional connection and enhancing the resilience of the marriage. 

Together, patience and forgiveness create a foundation of trust, love, and acceptance that enables couples to navigate the complexities of married life and prevent their relationship from falling apart.

Consider Indivdual Therapy

Attending individual therapy sessions to address personal issues that may be contributing to marital problems can greatly improve the quality of a marriage. 

Each partner brings their own set of experiences, beliefs, and emotional experiences into the relationship, and these factors can sometimes manifest as unhealthy patterns or behaviors that strain the marriage. 

By participating in individual therapy, a person can gain valuable insights into their own thoughts, feelings, and actions, and work with a therapist to develop healthier coping mechanisms and communication styles. As individuals learn to manage their personal issues more effectively, they can contribute to a more positive and supportive dynamic within the marriage. 

Furthermore, addressing personal challenges in therapy can lead to increased self-awareness, emotional maturity, and empathy, which are essential qualities for maintaining a strong, loving, and fulfilling marital relationship.

Take Care of Yourself

Self-care and prioritizing one's own mental and emotional well-being play a crucial role in helping to avoid a marriage from collapsing. When individuals neglect their personal needs and well-being, they may become overwhelmed, stressed, or emotionally depleted, which can negatively impact their ability to engage in healthy communication and provide support to their partner. By taking the time to practice self-care, individuals can maintain a sense of balance and well-being, enabling them to show up as better partners in their relationship. Self-care can include activities such as exercise, meditation, pursuing hobbies, or spending time with friends, all of which can contribute to an individual's overall mental and emotional health. When both partners prioritize their well-being, they create a more harmonious and supportive environment within the marriage. This not only fosters a strong emotional connection but also helps build the resilience needed to navigate the challenges that married life may present, ultimately preventing the marriage from collapsing.


When your marriage is falling apart, it is essential to take immediate action to address the challenges you and your partner are facing. Open communication, empathy, and seeking professional help can be effective in rebuilding your relationship and strengthening the foundation of your marriage.

By taking the necessary steps to address the issues in your marriage, you can not only restore harmony and happiness in your relationship but also foster a deeper emotional connection with your partner. In many cases, couples find it beneficial to work with a licensed marriage and family therapist who can guide them through the process of healing and growth.

Imagine a renewed sense of trust, love, and emotional intimacy in your marriage, with both you and your partner feeling heard, valued, and supported. Working with a skilled therapist can help you navigate the complexities of married life and provide you with the tools and strategies to maintain a strong, healthy relationship.

If you are interested in getting professional help from a licensed marriage and family therapist, contact Chris Massman (LMFT) to learn how her expertise can benefit your relationship.