7 Helpful Therapy Activities for Couples

Want to improve your relationship? Couples can engage in many therapy activities to help them grow closer and improve their relationship.

In this article, you will discover how several therapy activities for couples can help you grow closer to your partner. 

Therapy Activities for Couples 

Therapy activities for couples are essential for several reasons. Firstly, they can help couples deepen their understanding of each other and develop more effective communication skills. This can lead to increased intimacy and connection in the relationship. 

Secondly, therapy activities can help couples identify and address issues in the relationship, such as trust, intimacy, or conflict. Couples can strengthen their relationship and build a stronger foundation for the future by working together to solve these problems. 

Finally, therapy activities can provide a safe and supportive space for couples to explore their emotions and feelings and to develop the skills they need to navigate the challenges of daily life. Overall, therapy activities are a valuable tool for couples who want to grow closer, strengthen their relationship, and build a brighter future together.

Here are seven therapy activities for couples to consider if you want to grow closer to your partner.

1. Expressing gratitude

Expressing gratitude is an important aspect of any healthy relationship. It helps partners feel appreciated, valued, and supported and creates a positive emotional connection between them. When partners express gratitude to each other, they focus on the positive aspects of the relationship rather than dwelling on negative aspects or problems. This can help build a foundation of trust and intimacy in the relationship, leading to increased happiness and satisfaction. Additionally, expressing gratitude can help partners stay motivated to continue putting effort into the relationship, as they feel their efforts are noticed and appreciated. Overall, expressing gratitude is essential for building and maintaining a strong and healthy relationship.

2. Active listening

Active listening is extremely important within a romantic relationship because it allows partners to communicate effectively and understand each other's needs and feelings. When partners practice active listening, they give their full attention to their partner without interrupting or getting defensive. This creates a safe space for partners to express themselves and helps them feel heard and validated. Active listening also helps partners avoid misunderstandings and conflicts, as they can better communicate their thoughts and feelings. Additionally, active listening can deepen the emotional connection between partners as they become more attuned to each other's thoughts and emotions. Overall, active listening is an essential tool for building and maintaining a healthy and happy relationship.

  • Active listening fosters empathy and understanding between partners. By listening carefully to their partner's perspective, even if it differs, partners can better understand each other's experiences and emotions.

  • Active listening can help partners avoid unhelpful communication patterns, such as defensiveness, criticism, or stonewalling. By focusing on listening and understanding, rather than winning an argument or defending oneself, partners can work together to find solutions and build stronger relationships.

  • Active listening can be a powerful tool for healthily resolving conflicts. When partners practice active listening, they can learn to identify and acknowledge each other's feelings and work together to find a mutually acceptable solution. This can help prevent conflicts from escalating into more serious issues and help partners build a stronger sense of trust and respect for each other.

3. Relationship mapping

Relationship mapping is a therapeutic activity used to help couples gain insight into their relationship and identify patterns of behavior that may be affecting their connection. It involves creating a visual representation of the relationship, with important events, experiences, and milestones marked out on a timeline or graph.

During the process of relationship mapping, couples work together to identify key moments in their relationship, such as when they first met, significant life events, or major arguments. They also discuss how they felt during these moments, and how they responded to each other. This can help couples gain a better understanding of how they communicate with each other, and how their behaviors may have contributed to the current state of their relationship.

Relationship mapping can be a valuable tool for couples who want to work on improving their relationship, as it helps them identify areas of strength and weakness, and develop a shared understanding of the history of their relationship. This can help them create a more positive and supportive future together. Additionally, relationship mapping can help couples practice active listening and empathy, as they learn to listen to each other's perspectives and experiences without judgment.

4. Love letters

Love letters can have a significant impact on a romantic relationship, as they provide a unique and personal way to express feelings of love, appreciation, and affection. Writing and receiving love letters can create a sense of intimacy and emotional connection between partners, as they share their deepest thoughts and emotions with each other.

Love letters also offer a chance to reflect on the positive aspects of the relationship, and to focus on the strengths and joys of the partnership. By expressing gratitude and appreciation for their partner, letter writers can create a positive and supportive atmosphere in the relationship, which can strengthen the bond between partners. Additionally, love letters can help partners navigate difficult times, as they offer a source of comfort and reassurance during challenging situations.

Overall, love letters can be a powerful tool for building and maintaining a healthy and happy relationship. By expressing emotions and thoughts personally and heartfeltly, partners can deepen their emotional connection, build trust and intimacy, and create a positive and supportive foundation for their relationship.

5. Date nights

Scheduling a regular date night is important for maintaining a healthy and happy relationship, as it allows partners to connect and have fun together. Here are several date night ideas to consider:

  • Try a new restaurant or cuisine you have never had before.

  • Go on a scenic drive or walk, enjoying the view and each other's company.

  • Have a game night 

  • Attend a concert, play, or another cultural event together.

  • Go stargazing at a local observatory or in a quiet spot outside of town.

  • Take a dance class or attend a dance party to learn a new style of dancing together.

6. Mindful breathing

Mindful breathing is a relaxation technique that focuses on the breath and being fully present. It is a form of mindfulness meditation that can be practiced in various settings and can be particularly helpful for reducing stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions. 

Couples can practice mindful breathing together by finding a quiet and comfortable space where they will not be interrupted. They can sit facing each other, with their eyes closed, and begin by taking a few deep breaths together. Then, they can focus on their breathing, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply. Couples can also try synchronizing their breath, by inhaling and exhaling at the same pace. This can help create a sense of connection and unity. Partners can also use mindful breathing as a tool for managing stress or conflict, by taking a few deep breaths together before discussing a difficult topic. Overall, practicing mindful breathing together can be a powerful way for couples to deepen their emotional connection and promote feelings of calm and well-being in their relationship.

7. Shared hobbies

Sharing hobbies and interests can be a great way for couples to improve their relationship. By engaging in activities they both enjoy, couples can spend quality time together and create shared experiences that strengthen their bond. Sharing hobbies can also help partners learn new things about each other, which can lead to increased understanding and empathy. Additionally, engaging in a shared hobby can provide a source of support and encouragement, as partners work together to achieve goals or master new skills. Overall, sharing hobbies is a fun and rewarding way for couples to grow closer and create a positive and supportive atmosphere in their relationship.


In conclusion, therapy activities can be a powerful way for couples to improve their relationship and build a stronger future together. By focusing on effective communication, understanding, and empathy, couples can learn to navigate the challenges of daily life and create a positive and supportive atmosphere in their relationship. Whether it's practicing active listening, expressing gratitude, or engaging in shared hobbies, therapy activities offer a unique and valuable opportunity for couples to connect and grow closer. Working with a qualified therapist can help couples identify which activities will be most beneficial for their relationship and create a customized plan for achieving their goals. By committing to the process of therapy and practicing the skills they learn, couples can create a happy, healthy, and fulfilling future together.