The Benefits of Counseling for Drug Addiction

“Hi, my name is. I’m an addict.” These words are typical openers when introducing yourself to other addicts either in treatment or in a community support group. They are also the lead-in for admitting you have a problem, announcing your concerns, and allowing yourself to be vulnerable, even if you haven't formed bonds or built trust with the people with whom you are sharing your most personal details.

For many, this type of risk is not worth it, and will they avoid treatment. For those with social phobias, speaking in front of strangers can cause extreme anxiety. Sharing their most intimate secrets with anyone sober can feel debilitating.

Further, group programs require participation in activities like role-playing. Most of the time, activities like this have a positive outcome. Other times personality clashes can interfere, and depending on how fragile someone is emotionally, this can do more damage than good.

The fear of rejection, being embarrassed, having to adjust every time a new member arrives, and the fear of peers breaking confidentiality leads to some faking their way through therapy to avoid more emotional suffering.

All these disadvantages of group treatment programs can push someone into relapse. To avoid this, another option can be individual counseling. There are many benefits of individual counseling for drug addiction that have helped many remain in recovery long-term. A few of these benefits are listed below.

You Learn the Science of Addiction

Knowledge gives you power. When you understand why you are addicted, you are better equipped to fight it. In individual counseling for drug addiction, you are taught by a licensed professional about the brain disorder that keeps you in the cycle of getting sober, relapsing, getting sober, etc.

Once you understand the reason, you can learn how to treat this brain disorder.

You Can Learn the Cause of Your Addiction

Many people who don't understand addiction think it is a choice. This is not the truth, however. Addiction has multiple causes. Genetics is one of the biggest. If there is an addiction in the family, those genes can be passed down and inherited. Addiction can even skip generations.

When genetics are paired with traumas or poor lifestyles, it can make addiction harder to avoid.

You Can Focus On You

With individual counseling for drug addiction, you don’t have to share the therapy session with another addict. This can accelerate your healing.

Individual therapy eliminates the group therapy challenges that may cause you to lose focus, and treatment intensity is centered on your specific needs. You can delve deeper into your problems and why they exist. You can create a treatment plan that is unique to you and your family.

You will not be given medication unless you need medication. You will not need to attend group meetings that do not benefit your recovery. You do not have to share a room with another addict or be tempted to relapse by peers that are not ready to get sober.

Individual counseling incorporates the ones you love into your treatment. For you to heal, they must make changes also. Your treatment should include couples counseling if you are in a relationship, family therapy, and codependency issues.

You can focus on one mental health issue at a time. Most people with addiction also have other problems to overcome, like grief, past abuse, and other addictions. You don't have to try to appear stronger than you are, as you may do in front of a group; you don't have to fear sharing with strangers.

Therapies Are Safe and Private

Individual counseling for drug addiction can use the benefits of many psychological theories. Techniques can be used to improve communication skills, self-esteem, set long and short-term goals, figure out personal and vocational aspirations, and relapse prevention, to name a few.

The difference, you participate in these activities with only your therapist, in a safe and private environment. You do not have to concern yourself about peers judging you or violating confidentiality. Your only focus is on what you need to stay sober.

Personalized Schedule for Treatment

When you participate in group type therapies, you are forced to attend meetings at a set day and time each week. You may need to modify your work and personal life to participate in the treatment facility's schedule.

With individual therapy for drug addiction, you and your therapist determine where and when you meet and for how long. Because virtual treatment is on the rise, you can alternate between virtual and in-person sessions to complete your work and personal responsibilities.

Learn Alternative Methods of Treatment

Going through the typical step-down treatment system of detox, inpatient for 28-days, and then outpatient modalities do not work for everyone. Relapse can be part of one’s recovery path. In some cases, addicts cycle in and out of rehab programs ten or more times.

With addiction counseling, your treatment is tailor-made for you. This means it can include therapies that will work for you, not a general set of therapies.

You may need alternative treatments to help you stay sober. Treatments like equine therapy, acupuncture, meditation, yoga, mindfulness, art therapy, sober coaches, and tapping are examples of alternative treatments. Further examples are adventure therapy, biofeedback or neurofeedback, and psychodrama.

In conclusion, you must know that there is no one-size-fits-all type of addiction program. Don't settle for treatment that will not support recovery. You have options when it comes to getting help.

Individual counseling is a great option to consider.

Another advantage can be not needing to wait on a waiting list or until a bed opens to start. You can reach out today, virtually, or by phone.