How to Start a Gratitude Journal

How to Start a Gratitude Journal

One of the best ways to overcome negativity is to practice gratitude. Developing a meditation habit a great way to practice gratitude, but you can also achieve this with a gratitude journal.

In this article, you will learn how to start a gratitude journal.

How to Start a Gratitude Journal

Gratitude is an emotion. It is a quality all humans can choose to grow and develop. It is an action that can lead to profound, science-based, improvements in both your physical and mental health.

Gratitude is appreciating what is meaningful to you, a state of thankfulness for everything you have been given.

According to studies, gratitude can strengthen relationships, lead to fewer health problems, reduces psychological problems, improves sleep, and raises self-esteem. Researchers found that those who focused on being grateful were living healthier lifestyles than those who did not practice gratefulness.

In addition, being a more grateful person attracts positive people into your life. More people will gravitate toward you and want to be around your positivity.

You become less focused on material items and more focused on spirituality, positive health, and doing well.

There are many ways to become a more grateful person. Keeping a gratitude journal is one tool that helps change your brain. It helps you shift focus from the negative aspects of your day to finding good, no matter what the day brought. For the best results, it is best to keep a daily journal.

Here’s how to start a gratitude journal.

Choose the Right Type of Journal

How to start a gratitude journal should start with the right journal.

The journal in which you write should be something special to you. If you prefer to type your journal, make a special folder for it on your computer. If you like to write in a journal, pick one with a design that matches your personality and makes you feel happy.

A gratitude journal is essentially your diary on all things for which you feel thankful. There are many online gratitude journal templates you can download for free. You can also create your own journal, from drawing the cover to designing pages.

Keep in mind the key is not how pretty the journal is, but how grateful you are for things you have received. Too much focus on the outward appearance of your journal means you are being led astray from its purpose.

Choose When to Write in Your Journal

When thinking of how to start a gratitude journal, it is important to include developing a habit of writing. This can mean setting aside time each day, for example, when you wake up or before you go to sleep.

While writing in your gratitude journal every day is not required, it is important to be consistent. Writing consistently also gives you that extra boost of positivity you need on days when you struggle more.

Some find it easier to write in a journal at the end of the day, after taking a warm bath, when their head is clear. Others find their mind is clear when they first wake up. Yet still, others find writing while eating a meal is the best time to focus on being grateful.

In choosing when to write in your journal, think of a time when you will not be interrupted, can enjoy a quiet moment to focus on why you are thankful and are not rushed. This is a time where you can focus on you and your life.

Connect with Your Emotions

You can write in a journal and with generic words and lack of emotion, complete your daily gratitude list. Doing so will not improve your life. Instead, you are just going through the motions without allowing yourself to feel the power of gratitude.

Learning how to start a gratitude journal means creating detailed gratitude descriptions that invoke feelings. For example, instead of writing, “I am grateful for my mom”, you can write instead, “Thank you for my hard-working mother who is funny and loving and sacrifices for me so I can have a better life than she did”.

What is most important is the feelings behind what you write, not the actual words.

Do Not Quit If You Have Writer’s Block

There may be times when you do not know what to write. You may feel tired and struggle to think of anything that makes you grateful. That is okay. Everyone experiences this at some point. The key is to not give up.

Learning how to start a gratitude journal means you will learn writing prompts to help when you feel stuck.

Make a list of people, places and things in your life that can serve as the go-to page when you struggle to feel grateful naturally. The list can include family, friends, co-workers, and yourself. What are some things they have taught you or offered you, or that you find admirable?

What lessons have you learned from past mistakes? What have your senses enabled you to feel today (touch, smell, sight, taste, and hearing)?

Do Not Write About the Negative

It is normal to want to vent through your writing. Doing so has its own set of benefits. However, your gratitude journal is not the place for negative writing.

It is important when you learn how to start a gratitude journal that you learn how to separate your writing. Keep a diary for venting and keep a gratitude journal for being thankful.

Over time, you may find you no longer need your diary for venting. Being grateful can help reduce your focus on negative outcomes.

Add Your Own Flair

Once you learn how to start a gratitude journal, and after some practice, you may want to add your own flair to your journal. Meaning, instead of just writing about the things for which you are grateful, you can include the actual items if they are small enough to fit.

Examples include photos, concert tickets, postcards, flowers, and other memorabilia that instantly make you smile due to the positive memory attached to it.


In conclusion, you can start a gratitude journal today following these simple tips. If you feel you are struggling in finding gratitude, reach out to a counselor who can help you further.

You will soon find yourself happier and feeling better both physically and mentally.