therapists tarzana

The Benefits of Therapy for People Suffering From PTSD

Many people who suffer from PTSD do not take advantage of the services that are offered to them. Sometimes it is because they are embarrassed to go to therapy, or they are ashamed of their symptoms. Others want to spend as much time with there families as possible, since they have been away from them for long periods of time. They would rather be with their families than take time for themselves to go to therapy.  

5 Reasons Relationships May Fail

Relationships are not easy. They take a lot of work from both people in the relationship. No one knows if a relationship will work out. There is no way to define the success the relationship may have. What people prioritize, within a relationship, depends on the persons values, and where they live. Here are 5 main reasons why relationships usually fail. 

10 Ways to Manage Anxiety

Trying to meet financial, work, and family responsibilities is enough to make most people stressed and anxious. And add to that any physical illness, mental illness, or recovery from addiction and life can begin to feel incredibly challenging.

Questions You Shouldn't Be Afraid to Ask Your Therapist

Finding the right therapist for yourself is extremely important for any type of recovery. Searching for a therapist should take some time. It should be known that it is okay to switch therapists until you find the right one for you. The first therapist you meet may not always be the right one for you. Here are some questions you should not e afraid to ask your therapist. 

10 Tips to Emotionally Engage Your Partner

One of the most important things in a relationship is that both people are emotionally engaged. If one person is not emotionally available, it will make it very difficult for the relationship to work. Here are some tips on how you can engage with your partner emotionally. 

7 Things People With Social Anxiety Do

Anxiety is a completely natural feeling to have. Most everyone feels anxiety to some extent at some point in their life. However, there are some people who feel anxiety when their is no reason too. There are also different types of anxiety. One type of anxiety is social anxiety, which is when people feel extreme fear about social interactions. According to Amy Morin, a contributor writer for the Huffington Post, these are things that people with social anxiety do:

Change Your Perspective by Identifying and Changing Your Negative Thoughts

When a person's mind is full of negativity, they may not see the world accurately. They might have a negative view of themselves, others, and life in general. However, that person comes to recognize that those negative thoughts and beliefs are not true and learns to change them, they can simultaneously learn to change their perspective. Their view of the world might get a little rosier, lighter, and happier.

Signs Your Significant Other is Entirely Wrong For You

In the early stages of a relationship, it usually seems like there is nothing wrong, or that nothing could go wrong. When  new relationship starts it is also easy to overlook the warning signs. Brittany Wong, a contributor writer for the Huffington Post, says the following are signs that your significant other is wrong for you. 

How to Make the Changes You Want in Your Life

There’s a quote by the famous artist Andy Warhol. He said, “They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”  And this is true – especially with the changes that are required in recovery from addiction. Any significant life change requires individual effort. If you want to transform your life from unmanageable to manageable, from chaotic to peaceful, from unbalanced to healthy, there are some things you’ll have to do differently.

9 Relaxation Techniques to Cope with Depression

Depression is a condition that affects your emotional health, and there is very little enthusiasm about life. Depression can be a result of certain health problems, or from loneliness. There are many other factors that could also lead to depression. Depression is difficult to deal with but there are ways to cope with the condition.  Ronald E Riggio Ph.D., a contributor writer for Psychology Today, has some relaxation techniques to cope with depression: